In the end of April the play by Yasmina Reza, which Anton Ugrinov directs brilliantly and puts on the National Theatre, will mark its 50th time on stage. For a year and a half, the show toured at most major theatre festivals (“Varna Summer Fest”, “Apollonia”, “Stage at Crossroad”, “Stars of Theatre”), received several nominations for “Askeer 2017”, and in February toured in Paris as an opening theatre production for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
In the play Vlado Karamazov partners with Julian Vergov, Alexandra Vasileva and Radena Valkanova. The production is directed by Anton Ugrinov, the set design is by Nikola Toromanov, and Kalin Nikolov is the author of the music. Tickets are almost always sold out, and those who want to see it are many. “God of Carnage” is one of those productions that are the result of a long friendship and are made by people who share the same views. Fate is almost always favourable to these productions and they enjoy a long theatrical life.
The play by one of the world’s top playwrights, Yasmina Reza, tells of two families who gather to smooth out a problem arisen between their children. Gradually, reserved and polite relationships lose their polish, and parents are increasingly reminiscent of their children – reckless, short-tempered, offensive. Slowly and threatening, behind the mask of decency, the God of Carnage slips in…
Before the premiere on November 27th, 2016, Vladimir Karamazov wrote this post on Facebook: “My son struck his classmate with a stick and broke two of his teeth. Because of this incident, we are invited – my wife and I – by the parents of the beaten child at their home to clarify the case. I don’t want to go at all, but my wife definitely and persistently insists on me being there. Well, we’re going there to argue. I am raised in the John Wayne style, and I prefer to solve these problems in a different way – not with conversations, but anyway. By chance, you can also attend this meeting.”
“God of the Carnage” is one of Yasmina Reza’s most awarded plays – with “Laurence Olivier” and “Tony” awards. In France, in 2008 the play was put by the author herself on the stage of the famous Parisian “Théâtre Antoine” with Isabelle Huppert as Veronique. In 2008, Matthew Warchus put the play first in London at the Gielgud Theatre, and later in 2009 at Broadway. In 2011, Roman Polanski shot the movie “Carnage” with Jodie Foster on the Reza’s adaptation of her play, for which the author received also César award for Best Adapted Screenplay.
See more about the production here