Vlado will be ambassador of the seventh edition of the European initiative Theatres Night, which this year will be held on November, 16th. The actor’s history with this theatrical platform runs already for 6 years. Traditionally Vlado participates in the photography project “Night Personages”. The series of photographs by Diliana Florentin captures personal, emotional and inspired states of the actors, in which each of them feels and shows the change. The photos will be displayed at several places in Sofia and printed in the booklet of the initiative.
In a special blitz interview, Vlado shares: “Theatre and I, we change each other, like a person changes with time”. Viewers of the 6-hour Live Cam will have the opportunity to ask the actor questions and get answers during a live studio on November, 16th.
Vlado’s digital assistant – Vladrob chatbot, will also play his role as an information channel. He will again select everything most interesting from the main and the accompanying events and will present it to his followers on Viber.
In 2019 Theatres Night will mark its seventh year in Bulgaria, and on 16th November it will gather in one big and exciting platform the hundreds of events in 16 Bulgarian towns. “The European initiative has united around the message “You change the game. The game changes you”, because all those years the viewers have been influencing the game, and the game has been changing them. And we want very much to emphasize on the strong reciprocity between art and people”, the organizers share.
265 504 is the number of viewers who have experienced the art of theatre in the past six editions. Besides the change of Time and the experiment with Space, Theatres Night has facilitated hundreds of interesting events in different styles, it has joined various locations (standard stages, bars, music halls, shopping malls, cinemas, galleries, alternative venues where the art of theatre happens – hospitals, parks, underground locations, houses, co-working spaces, etc.), it has developed a programme from morning till midnight, it has provided an opportunity for institutional and alternative theatre, it has attracted viewers and participants of different ages – from 5 to 75. All this has turned Theatres Night into one of the largest and strongest theatre initiatives in Bulgaria.
Behind the idea of the “European Theatres Night” platform stands Eleanor Rossi from France. That Night, in 11 European countries Theatre becomes a main theme and brings together at the same time everyone who loves it. Besides performances at the theatres and the alternative venues, there are various meetings, discussions, exhibitions, concerts, backstage walks, contacts and new opportunities to bring theatre closer to its audience. It is an innovative interpretation of the theatre space with a highlighted educational element, which aims to improve the attitudes of the audience.
Theatres Night is part of the 2019 Cultural Events Calendar of Sofia Municipality.
For current information and updates, visit the official site of the initiative, Facebook and Instagram, as well as the new Viber Community of the initiative.