Vlado Karamazov at Digital Trends 2019 17 October 2019

Vlado Karamazov was the host of the first edition of Digital Trends, which took place on October, 15th at the National Palace of Culture. The interest was great and tickets for the event were quickly sold out. The organizers Profit.bg and Sportal Media Group will soon announce the 2020 date, when important questions and cases of the business environment will be raised again, together with the point of view of the world experts in the digital industry. In addition to being the host, Vlado Karamazov was also a lecturer in the discussion panel “Monetisation Strategies in Social Media Channels”. Lecturers in the discussion were also Atanas Raykov from VIBER, Velizar Velichkov from 1ForFit, and Ivaylo Netsov from Foodpanda. Slavi Panayotov from The Clashers and Bela Papp from Bing Advertising at Microsoft also presented interesting lectures. What Vlado talked about was related to his experience on the social networks.                                      “I am an actor and the main thing we were taught at the Academy was to develop our imagination. My social channels are the platform where I honestly and truly present myself to the society, without intermediaries. The channels are also a place where I experiment and develop my imagination. To be noticed on the social networks, in this ocean of information, you have to be inventive and with a non-standard imagination. There are millions of selfies, how will people notice yours? How to make a campaign of a big brand without annoying the people, so they will accept it and approve it? It is all about having an interesting content. If you have a content, the advertising becomes absolutely acceptable by the followers”, Vlado shared.