What should you know and expect?
The chatbot is a technological innovation that is gaining enormous speed and is becoming more and more popular all over the world. He lives in the known messaging channels, which are most common in Viber. They provide information to users in an easy way. They are quite popular in business and deliveries. They are gradually starting to replace the call centres by providing quick and accurate information. They save a lot of time of the users. The chatbot is active only if you want it, and when you are interested in something. When you follow him, he stays in your chats, but he is not active. When you think of something, for example this week you wish to go to theatre and you want to know what performance I’m going to play in, you ask him, and he will tell you. He will have a lot of information and will give it to you. Since he is a two-week old chatbot, he will need time to collect a database (like the most frequently asked questions). He is yet unable to answer inquiries because he doesn’t have the necessary database, but he will soon get the information he needs from a variety of sources. I will also help him with that. So he will very soon be answering you too.
What will you be able to do: